As Charlie said, I ran a more modern version of
Charlie's ever-so popular K-Tel Hell audio round from
Trashmasters and such (and duplicated in numerous trash
tournaments around the country.)
Anyways, thanks to
the miracles of modern technology, the entire round
is available for sale for $10.
You'll get 50
clips. In the round I ran, the first 25 were used as a
written round to determine the competitors for the final
round -- the next 25 clips on the CD.
And oh
yeah, while Charlie gave out a Jim Nabors Christmas
album to Keith for his victory, I presented my own
prize ... a mix of some of the most trash-worthy songs
out there. It's so out there, I'm keeping it a secret
unless you e-mail me (and maybe I'll cut you a
If you want the audio round or the prize CD, contact
me at jqsmooth_at_.... We can work out some
pricing schedule for both CDs if you wish.