<<2)I realize that you do not do quizbowl
professionally. The people associated with NAQT have other jobs
as well. What I was talking about was "acting
professional," as in "acting with grace or class given one's
position." I assumed that, when I talked about your position
as a representative of ACF and how your comments
reflected badly on all of ACF, you would grasp that not
terribly subtle point. I'm sorry for being so
This has been an awfully fun format war IMHOP. I truly
enjoy hearing intelligent people rip each other to
shreds. Call me sick. You'd be right.
Anyway, it
brought a thought to mind. Why would someone be wrong for
making a living from quiz bowl? In many walks of life,
there seems to be a stigma against someone who actually
dares to make a living doing what they love. People
seem to think that it is impossible to maintain
integrity and a heart for your field if you make good money
at it.
Isn't this curious? Any
Jason Russell