Jason Russell wrote:
> In many walks of
life, there seems to be a stigma against someone who
actually dares to make a living doing what they love.
People seem to think that it is impossible to maintain
integrity and a heart for your field if you make good money
at it.
I'd like to recommend two books: ~Your
Money or Your Life~ by Joe Dominguez and Vicki Robin,
and ~The Overworked American~, by Juliet Schor.
There's also a book called ~Do What You Love And The
Money Will Follow~, but I haven't read that one (it's
on my list of things to do).
You're never too
young, nor too old, to realize how much we can allow our
own desire for money and status shove us around and
beat the bejabbers out of us. The Dominguez and Robin
book, though, offers some real solutions for those who
want to pick a vocation for its satisfaction rather
than its ability to trump the neighbors by sheer SUV
size every two years.
Remember the words of a
very wise bumper sticker: (S)he who dies with the most
toys is still dead. :-)