Thanks for the kind words about Anarchy Bowl. We
(Texas A&M) have run it for at least four years--it
started as a reaction to too many serious
duel-to-the-death tournaments (of whatever format...). One of my
personal favorite questions from Anarchy a year or two
back was a bonus that involved teams re-enacting the
flag raising on Mt. Suribachi...points for style to be
awarded by the moderator. and yes, last year's "This
Packet Sucks" round from the good folks at Oklahoma was
something to remember.
Date for next year's Anarchy
Bowl is not yet set, but you can bet we'll announce
it. To my certain knowledge, no one has ever gained
any prestige from winning this event, or been too
upset about losing. The whole idea is for a good time
to be had by all.
Although I will be upset
if we don't manage to use my perfectly good BritComs
theme packet this year.
Texas A&M
Academic League