Julie wrote, in reference to Edmund's earlier
post about experimental quizbowl formats:
could be a blast! Which school was it that, a few years
ago, ran "Anarchy Bowl", a just-for-fun tournament in
which no packet distribution was specified? That one
would have fulfilled a long-term QB fantasy of mine had
I been able to actually get there that
Texas A&M has run "Anarchy Bowl" in the past, the most
recent being after last year's NAQT Fall tournament. The
packets and playing experience were needless to say,
unique (such as the discount soda "suckoff" tossup and
theme packets on James Bond, "Movies and Mayhem", and
the "sing all of "American Pie"" bonus). It is worth
experiencing at least once, particularly if you have an idea
or theme you'd like to try.