<<The fact that Massachusetts does, in
fact, have a state tournament is a total surprise to
me. In my seven years in New England, this is the
first time I have heard of a statewide MA tournament
that wasn't run by a college program.
questions (not meant as a third-degree inquisition, but as
a request for information):
Where is this
tournament run? Who organizes it? What format does it
All I know about the Mass. State tournament comes
from discussions with coaches (Williston Northampton
and Bromfield) at BHSAT. I know the format is some
funky thing and that the tournament itself is held at
Concord-Carlisle. The 2000 champion was St. John's Prep and the
usual top teams are Phillips Andover, St. John's,
Williston Northampton, and Concord-Carlisle. As for who
organizes it and the specifics of the format, we would need
a Mass. coach or player to chime in.