At last, a subject on which I might be qualified to speak. :) Kevin Commo wrote: "I know the format is some funky thing and that the tournament itself is held at Concord-Carlisle. The 2000 champion was St. John's Prep and the usual top teams are Phillips Andover, St. John's, Williston Northampton, and Concord-Carlisle. As for who organizes it and the specifics of the format, we would need a Mass. coach or player to chime in." It's called the MA Academic Championship, and it's a bizarre written test consisting of several loooong sections on various disciplines (Arts & Letters and Science & Math are the only ones I remember off-hand). Several members of the Concord-Carlisle faculty compose the tests, and they base the tests on their own curriculum (thereby pissing off everyone not affiliated with the host school, but Concord-Carlisle doesn't seem to care about this). Even though I only attended twice and had no experience with buzzer-based qb until college, I knew there had to be a better way than this to decide a state championship. In October of '98, fellow New Englander Dom Ricci and I did something about it; 5 months later, the Bay State Quiz Bowl Classic was born. :) Mike Hoey-Lukakis Williston Northampton '96 Boston University '00 P.S. The extremely low level of participation by MA schools in the last 2 years bothers me. Perhaps something can be done about this.
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