I did HS quiz bowl in Missouri for four years,
and since no one has commented on that so far, I'll
go on ahead. Like most states we only do two teams.
Morning play is a semi-round robin (and this is the part
that makes most qb people apoplectic, but oh well) and
the round robin always consists of 3 rounds. From the
results in those 3 rounds, it is decided how many teams
break to afternoon rounds (with the number of entries
determining that number).
The game itself is somewhat
unique, I've found. There are four quarters to a match.
The first and third quarter are identical, and the
second and fourth are identical. Rounds 1 and 3 consist
of 15 tossups worth 10 pts. each. Rounds 2 and 4
consist of 10 tu's with bonus available first to the team
that correctly gets each tu, then the boni rebound to
the other team. Only the captain can give a response
on the bonuses and defering to another player is not
an option. Really the games are won and lost first
on the tossups because unlike the versions of the
game in college where they make up about 25 % of
overall points, in this version they make up over 55%.
Also the packets have to meet a certain amount of TU's
per category (a certain amount of lit., math, etc.)
with that number taken by .4 to derive how many in
each bonus category.