Knowledge Bowl! Now, that takes me back . . . we
had the same three-team format in my high school days
in Minnesota, as near as I can tell. The best part
was the fact that the lockout system was an old Apple
//e. :-)
The quiz bowl matches we had were run
by a separate organization that had a format similar
to the lately mentioned one consisting of a first
and fourth round of all tossups (3.5 minutes per
round), and a second and third round of tossups and boni
(7 minutes per round). Deferral was allowed, and
recognition was fairly strict; everybody had one match per
tournament that was televised, complete with an introductory
script that went something like, "Are you ready for some
exciting academic action? Well, get ready, because the
Thermoplyae Spartans are about to do battle with the Xerxes
Memorial Persians! We'll be right back, after
Well, something like that, at any rate. Ok, I'll stop
rambling now.
By the way, if anybody's aware of any
high schools in Wisconsin who might be willing to
participate in a tournament (whether they have a program or
not), have them get in touch with me--we're looking
into running one at Madison. Thanks, and have fun!