For trash novels: try The Berkut (I forget who
its by). Orson Scott Cards The Lost Boys has
legitimate literary value. Wolfs A Man in Full. Philip K.
Dick might not be Borgesbut hes worth
readingespecially the Man in the High Castle.
Disrecommendations. IBM and the Holocaust has pretty much been torn
apart by historians (thats why there hasnt been an
outcry). Yes, they kept selling stuff to a dictatorship,
no they didnt sell stuff knowing that it would be
used for mass extermination. Guns, Germs and Disease
is well-written and not a bad introduction to
meta-history. Its a good book. But theres nothing whatsoever
revolutionary about it; and it has its flaws. More of a good
summary then a deep work of history a la Tuchman.
trash novels: the Bourne Identity is funjust about
everything else by Ludlum (especially anything recent) is
toilet paper. Anything by Grisham is bad.