Sorry, I can't resist.
Top 10 other things
overheard at the National Academic Championship:
"OK, do you wanna take "Soups" or "Russian Song and
9. "NAQ-what?"
8. "Wow. I sure got my $8 out of
that question!"
7. "Huh? I didn't put that in my
6. "Oh, sorry, can't make it -- we have Panasonic
next weekend"
5. "Gee -- not only does he discover
a prime number formula, but he writes a question
about it too!"
4. "I always knew that being able to
recognize the sound of a blender would pay off."
3. "Did
Chip win the Masters or something?"
2. "Oh, I'm
sorry. You already used your protest on the George
Washington question."
And the other #1 thing
overheard at New Orleans...
1. "What? Another game? But
we just played yesterday!"
Sorry, like I
said, couldn't resist.