<<cf. #3 of this update: Mr. Weiner, I'm
lookin' at you here). Sure, it may start a flamewar, but
only if you're a jerk about it (please, Matt, politics
is taboo in the chatroom).
(Interlude: I'm
well aware I haven't BEEN in the chatroom all summer.
If he's changed since then, then so much the better;
but last I checked, Matt, you did have an annoying
habit of springing politics and religion [or, more to
the point, ANTI-religion] out of the darnedest
Would taking a webpage that doesn't name names and
going into an unwanted tirade about some other
individual constitute an "annoying habit" or springing your
usual foot-in-the-mouth attempts to defend yourself
"out of the darndest places" ?
The time you
spend apologizing, let alone originally saying, idiotic
things, far outweights the vastly overestimated time
which I spend talking about politics, religion, or
whatever. While I've stopped doing the latter at the
request of fellow viewers of the chatroom; the Andy Goss
Repulsion Train seems to be on a permanent express route.