AND THE LIST ITSELF. . . (Note: These rankings are subject to change, and perfect ordering was not always possible--there were many men who, we felt, were of about equal sexiness.) (Drumroll) 10. Aaron Twait, University of Iowa--love the hair, the voice, the picture of innocence, and especially the sportsjacket. 9. Mike Zarren, University of Chicago--we CANNOT resist a cute, skinny Jewish guy with a big grin and an affinity for Stolichnaya. 8. Chad Kubichek, Iowa State University--okay, so maybe he's not a girl-on-top guy, but we adore the laugh, and if he sleeps with us, we will buy him new shorts.equal sexiness.) 7. Andrew Ulland, Carleton College--the epitome of Teutonic glory: how many men can play college bowl AND football? AND sing "Carmina Burana?" 6. R. Robert Hentzel, Iowa State University--try luring this one away from his quantum electrodynamics...we couldn't. Gotta love a man who can prove the Heine-Borel Theorem in his sleep. 5. Andy Felton, Carleton College--excellent hair, racy sense of humor; even though he does have a foot phobia, he's a winner. 4. Trevor Schultz, University of Iowa--look at those eyes! That smile! Plus he's read Salinger. 3. John Sheahan, University of Chicago--in spite of the nicotine addiction and the recent and distressing spate of baseball caps, he just belongs here...this man singlehandedly _defines_ the "Sherlock Holmes Factor." Listen to the bass overtones when he rings in to say, "Mobutu Sese Seko"--mmmm. What more could any God-fearing Catholic schoolgirl want? 2. Eric Hillemann, Carleton College--despite the pseudo-Electra complex involved, no more need be said. AND THE NUMBER ONE SEXIEST MAN IN COLLEGE BOWL IS: 1. Rory Molinari, University of Michigan--two words: Australian mathematician. Oh yes. . .oh. . .*YES.* --Avanti Athreya, Emily Pike, Maribeth Swiatek, and Cheryl Klein -- Dwijavanti P Athreya
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