Greetings from the sunny Basque
For the past several months, I've been working on
what I hope will be the definitive guide to scheduling
round robins. The main part of this is done, and
includes some explorations, such as contingency plans for
moderator shortages, that as far as I can tell are
innovations, or at least not in common parlance.
that completes the work to be done on conventional
round robins. I now turn my attention, however, to the
idea of QB tournaments played with three teams at
once, with an ultimate hope of being able to generate
pairings for tournaments in fours, fives, and so on --
mostly I'm thinking of singles events here. So far I
- Generate a list of all the unique possible
- Create complete schedules (ones using every
possible combination) for from three to six
And now I'm stuck. Anyone have experience with
creating this kind of schedule?
The only generality
I've found so far is that: for a number of teams t,
the number of possible matches equals the sum of the
first t-2 triangular numbers.