Looks like nobody here ever answered this question from last August. (It's not equivalent to the FAQ I usually answer) An answer follows the quote ... --- In quizbowl_at_y..., cooterchekov wrote: > I now turn my attention, however, to the > idea of QB tournaments played with three teams at > once, with an ultimate hope of being able to generate > pairings for tournaments in fours, fives, and so on -- > mostly I'm thinking of singles events here. So far I > can: - Generate a list of all the unique possible > games - Create complete schedules (ones using every > possible combination) for from three to six > teams. And now I'm stuck. Anyone have experience with > creating this kind of schedule? It's enough to find a "factorization of the complete k-uniform hypergraph on nk vertices" where k is the number of teams in each game, and nk is the number of teams in the tournament, padded with bye teams if necessary. Baranyai's Theorem states that such a factorization always exists, but his proof is not constructive. Explicit constructions, for general n, are known for k=2 and k=3, but apparently not for k>3. At least as of 1998, when the referenced article was posted. -RL Reference: http://www.mathematik.uni-bielefeld.de/~tamm/commo n/pub/tamm/baranyai.ps
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