Question posted on qbtrash, which I'm bringing here, as trash (upper and lowercase) is a quiz format demanding "knowledge and speed of recall," therefore germane for discussion on this forum: <<Why is so much TRASH (tm) PG rated at best? There is a world of knowledge to be exploited, and too much self-censorship is going on. -- qbprophet >> Speaking only for myself, but based on knowledge gleaned as a TRASH (tm) writer and editor, The glib answer is, there *is* a world of knowledge out there, but in this format as well as others -- it's not *all* worth knowing. :-) Seriously, Mike and Dave are on the right track, I think. As a business, TRASH has to keep the playing audience *and* hosts' needs in mind. Hosting teams may be beholden to some sort of oversight. Minimizing offense to players and observers is a legitimate concern, but I think the easily offended generally stay clear of trash. The majority of trash players just aren't interested in an excess of "fringe" material of any stripe. I'd love to see a study of what gets lamed at tournaments. I'd bet near the top would be sci-fi/computer gaming, non-big-4 sports (two factions canceling each other out?), and adult questions. In previous tournaments, TRASH has flagged adult questions and left it up to the hosts' discretion to remove them altogether. This was initially to accommodate some high-school teams that wanted to play Regionals. We later advised hosts to discourage HS teams once we found they were routinely getting stomped. But the flags remained, and I believe we're still flagging such questions. I think TRASH runs very close to what the market will bear in terms of adult/porn content. We do look at the post-event feedback, and the "less smut" comments outnumber the calls for more. Of course, in a packet-submission tournament the host can tweak the distribution to get as nasty as they wanna be, but in all the distributions I've seen as a player and observer of the trash format, I've never seen porn get its own requirement. If what's going on is self-censorship, it's not limited to Company Product. --Greg Sorenson again, not speaking as an official voice of TRASH (tm)
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