Y! QB has had 6611 posts or so till now. That is very successful in that so much communication (and most of it not-noise) has been had. However, there is only so much traffic one board should take. In particular there are many in academic qb community who don't want to hear about trash, and some in the trash (not-TM) community who don't want to hear about academic quizbowl. I have heard from both parties. As previous posts have noted traffic is rising at an increasing rate. Setting up a second (nth) newsgroup and allowing those interested to subscribe to either or both is a reasonable way to PREFILTER the communications. The fact that there is a lively discussion on the trash board that would not have taken place in its absence suggests the more forums, the more ideas will be exchanged. People reluctant to waste the time of 964 members (or at least several hundred distinct individuals ignoring aliases), may feel freer to communicate to 100 or 150 people hardcore into the subject. Admittedly its a tradeoff of depth for breadth, but in the long run I believe its worthwhile. Anyone who wants can subscribe to qbtrash. And if someone thinks that the topic is worth raising to a broader community, they are still free to post here. But if its trash specific (e.g. nuanced points about pornographic distribution in trash packs), it may not be of general interest. There may come a time when qbacf and qbnaqt are appropriate (and for completeness I did just create them, feel free to post if you like), but they have far more in common with each other than with qbtrash.
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