<<But if its trash specific (e.g. nuanced
points about pornographic distribution in trash packs),
it may not be of general
And yet the argument was the same as it would have
been were it about theatre lighting: Company
questions, forced to consider a larger market than a local
tournament, will not and cannot be a significant source of
canon expansion. That's just the nature of the beast.
The place to really test the market is in a packet
submission tournament.
The only thing that set the
porn discussion apart was that Jer Smith was afforded
a valuable opportunity to cuss in public. That's
what being a Polar does to you, I guess.
agree with Nielsen -- IF the group needs division --
and that's a big if -- it should be done by region,
not by format. Like it or not, there are four major
national formats. Trash had moved beyond an East Coast
peculiarity before TRASH was created. People have had ample
time to get used to this fact of life.