How many of you actually still use Usenet?
What Levinson did here is no different than what
happened all the time on usenet: a particular group became
high enough volume that many people stopped being able
to keep up with all the messages. So it split up
into multiple groups. It wasn't because the people who
were reading comp.os.linux had any contempt for the
people who might read comp.os.linux.powerpc, it's just
that there had to be a line to split things down.
Was "qbtrash" maybe the best choice politically for a
first split? Maybe not, but it was one of the more
obvious ones. And is this forum overloaded enough to need
a split? Maybe not, but I think the assumption Dave
was making was that this academic year it might
become so.
Personally, if I had a choice, my
first split would be
<a href= target=new></a>
but if anyone creates that club and doesn't put me on
the founder list it won't have much