Rice College Bowl is looking to expand its
arsenal to a grand total of two buzzer systems.
current buzzer system is a Zeecraft, which, as I have now
found out, is far too expensive and fragile. After
reading a couple of dated reviews on the net and talking
to some college bowl peeps, we've decided to make
our new purchase a Judge.
Here's the
information I've come up with on the manufacturer (they
apparently have no website):
1815 Jefferson St. N.E.
Minneapolis, Minn
(612) 781-9588
Before I go ahead and order from
these people though, I have a couple of
1) I've heard of potential discounts for ordering
this thing? How would I go about getting one? (Since
we're strapped for funds, every little reduction we get
2) Does anyone have a used Judge that they'd be
willing to sell us? (Said people could e-mail me so we
could negotiate price).
3) Am I right in
deducing that the Judge is the best relatively low-priced
buzzer system one can buy? Does anyone else on this
board have different opinions regarding the best
(somewhat low-end) buzzer systems?
And while I'm at
4) Know where we could get some cheap
Thanks for any and all help,
Rice U. College Bowl