Stephen Aslett asks:
"3) Am I right in
deducing that the Judge is the best relatively low-priced
buzzer system one can buy? Does anyone else on this
board have different opinions regarding the best
(somewhat low-end) buzzer systems?"
>From my
experience, the Judge provides the best combination of
affordability and durability. The main drawback seems to be its
inflexibility in terms of set up. You don't have individual
wires for each pedal, so you're stuck with having folks
cram in to get one. The five pedal model can alleviate
this somewhat.
A decent percentage of folks
have personal dislike for The Judge, and I admit to
not being crazy about them, but the Judge is the best
system BU ever owned.
"4) Know where we could get
some cheap clocks timers?"
Try Radio Shack or a
kitchen supply store. You should be able to get a digital
timer with countdown capability for under $20. I would
argue for getting as large a display as possible, as
it's irritating to have one that only the people
sitting closest to it can see.