On the statements regarding military
We need to make sure that we do not confuse justice
and vengeance.
Locating and punishing
terrorist organizations is justice. Killing innocent
civilians whose only 'crime'--if it can be called that--was
having a government that may have aided and abetted
terrorists is vengeance.
Justice might, in time,
help the United States in its grieving process.
Resorting to vengeance, though, makes us no better than
those we seek to punish, and is a dishonor to the
memory of those who died.
Those responsible must
be held accountable for their actions. If it takes
military action to do so, so be it. But an eye for an
eye--or a whole body for an eye, as some people have
demanded--is asking too much. Please pray that our leaders,
and our military, understand this before they commit
to action, and that the American people ultimately
understand this as well.