As you may or may not know, I am of lapsed faith,
and have been for several years. A large reason for
this is I believe mainstream Christianity does little
at an organizational level to denounce and separate
itself from the sort of poison espoused by Falwell and
Robertson. Kristin and other individuals may claim that
Falwell and Robertson are not representative of all
Christians -- and I've no cause to doubt their individual
sincerity -- but time and time again they are allowed the
spotlight and undue political influence thanks to the
mainstream's silent consent.
If you attend worship
services this weekend -- and I imagine many will -- please
do what you can to communicate within your
congregations that Falwell and Robertson's ideal world would be
no different from the regime we're now apparently
preparing to fight. If you are in a position to influence
church direction, please try to make a stand now from
the pulpit against these charlatans and their brand
of alleged Christianity.