I have no problem with atheists . .
. it's an extremely trite thing to say, but some of
my best friends are atheists. What I do have a
problem with is atheists who act like religion and
intellectualism cannot coexist.
You wrote, "If Kristin had
accused someone of harboring a plot for 'Muslim
superiority' because they shared a liberal Islamic viewpoint
on Falwell, she would be subject to a well-deserved
condemnation by the rest of the forum. However, throwing
around notions of "atheist superiority" goes unchecked,
because it's scoially acceptable to be an anti-atheist
bigot." This is reaching, to say the least. I have never
met a Muslim who acted like they were intellectually
superior to all other religious people of other faiths,
and yet I have run across a number of agnostics and
atheists who are guilty of just that.