Trust me, Mr. Thorsley, any excuse you can get to spend an hour in front of a machine doing something that looks like clerical work but isn't is very much worth your time. :) Now, for the verdict: I've had an hour of heavy lifting to think about what was said (I hate being a grunt). My opinion is that, quite frankly, everyone's guilty. Myself included. As I've shown in these posts, for which I wholeheartedly deserve to be mocked a la DT, the problem always arises when people read with their heart instead of their mind. The worst thing that can be done in any stance on the issue is to interpret statements. This is the cause of conflict of about half the arguments on this board, and nearly all of those which I'm involved in. If you've read _A Wrinkle in Time_, you will know the secret to combating this wave of hatred that spewed forth on 9/11 Day, but for those who haven't, allow me: love. Those who would commit these acts are incapable (by choice) of loving all people. However, we are not. I do not mean romantic love, obviously; and it goes deeper than simply calling it "Christian love". It is an overwhelming respect above all other things, and a knowledge and acceptance that all ARE created equal. This ties neatly into the trouble here: Both plaintiff and defendant presumed the other to be harboring a grudge, and both immediately went from defensive to counterattack. Respect means not sharing in an unhealthy paranoia about one's feelings. Yes, there are people who will disagree; otherwise, the Kentucky Derby would be pretty boring. However, if you have a respect for the other person that carries over into their opinions, then a discussion can remain civilized and to the point, as the one with Messrs. Young and Kemezis has. To quote Mr. Dawson: "Right now (or ever, for that matter), we do not need finger-pointing, belittling of others' strongly-held beliefs, or anger. We need to foster a community of acceptance, respect, and love. How else can we stop such acts of hate in the future?" Charity begins at home. All I am saying is give peace a chance. (Those wishing to call me on my own faults within the context of this discussion may email me. Those wishing to start flaming may do so, but do not expect a reply from me.) The Dishon. Andrew Goss Speaking for himself (but is it the dissenting view or the majority view?)
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