Hi Everyone: ANNOUNCEMENT: The UL-Lafayette Club for Academic Competition is proud to announce the UL-Lafayette Invitational Quizbowl Tournament to be held at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette on January 26th, 2002. This tournament will be in ACF format and will be a mirror of UT-Chattanoogas Swordbowl, so packet submission is not required. ELIGIBILITY: Because this tournament is a Juniorbird, only players that are in their first, second, or third year of competition are eligible to compete. Grad students are allowed to compete as long as they fall under our eligibility requirements. Here is the fee structure: Base fee: $55 Additional teams: -$5 Working buzzer system (one per team): -$10 Traveling more than 300 miles one way: -$10 First intercollegiate tournament: -$20 Registering before December 8th: -$10 Registering after January 11th: +$10 Scorekeepers: -$10 Minimum fee: $20 Questions: $20 This is our first tournament, so please excuse the erratic nature of the fee chart. Other information such as local dining establishments, local hotels, maps, directions, or any other details that I have failed to mention will be available upon request. The name and location of the tournament venue will be available upon request as well. When registering, be sure to indicate any discounts for which your team will be eligible as well to list individual players, captains, and team names. The field will most likely be capped off at 14 teams. Thanks. Send any questions you may have to meh1666_at_... Matt Hayes UL-Lafayette Quiz Bowl
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