Here they are. I sent them to all the team representitives via e-mail too. I finally got off my lazy ass and finished compiling the stats so here they are. Team Record Points: Illinois A 12-1 4345 Illinois B 11-2 3360 WashU A 10-3 3270 OU A 10-3 2795 OU B 9-4 2760 Olive Oyl 8-5 2635 WashU B 8-5 2290 MU A 7-6 2530 WSU A 6-7 1775 Illinois C 5-8 1980 MU B 2-11 1260 Truman St.2-11 955 WSU B 2-11 700 Illinois D 0-13 835 Now for individual stats by team: Name Tossup Neg Total Illinois A Chris 770 35 735 Nick 220 25 195 J.P. 340 45 295 Brent 110 15 95 Illinois B Andrew 400 35 365 Hairboy 580 85 495 Dave 130 15 115 Mike 80 0 80 Ryan 60 5 55 WashU A Marc 200 25 175 Lori 190 15 175 Jason 550 50 500 Sean 170 10 160 OU A Matt 210 15 195 Johnathan 340 55 285 Molly 90 10 80 Andrew 550 75 425 OU B Kendall 270 30 240 Lori 480 20 460 Matthew 220 20 200 Tandy 40 10 30 Olive Oyl Clements 70 15 55 The Jammer 180 25 155 Nordic Knut Boy 190 25 165 S. Death Monkey 530 25 505 WashU B Jamie 230 15 215 David 250 20 230 Jonathan 200 40 160 Bryan 260 5 255 MU A Emily 150 0 150 Katrina 190 0 190 Jason 290 0 290 Tracy 300 45 255 WSU A Matt 150 25 125 David 150 20 130 Vic 390 60 330 Lisa 80 10 90 Illinois C Andy 170 10 180 Sudheer 600 50 550 Matt 130 15 115 MU B Mark 260 15 245 Danny 120 10 110 Kristina 90 5 85 Bousby 90 10 90 Dan 50 20 30 Truman St. Erica 60 10 50 Matt 290 30 260 Ray 170 15 155 WSU B Bethany 90 10 80 Evan 60 10 70 Caleb 140 5 135 CJ 110 25 85 Illinois D Justin 120 65 55 Todd 230 10 220 Jonathan 140 20 120 This is what I have. These were compiled by hand and therefore do contain errors. If any member of your team think that their result is grossly inaccurate please have them e-mail me. If you think your team score is grossly inaccurate do the same. E-mail me with any questions. ETC. So the Champion was Illinois A and they shall get their trophy this weekend at the St. Louis Open, granted the trophy store finishes is. The Best new school was Truman State and they shall have a trophy sent their way ASAP. For other results, see above as people are listed in order of placement. On the individual note, the top 5 were: Chris - Illinois A - 735 Sudheer - Illinois C - 550 Sonic Death Monkey - Ginko Olive Oyl Company - 505 Jason - Washington U A - 500 Hairboy - Illinois B - 495 I guess that's it see you guys next year hopefully. Thanks for coming, Nathan Mundis UMR ACO President
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