Well, while I'm nowhere near Minnesota, or an
expert, I know what I'd say to a college friend who was
curious as to how it worked: "Talk to the head of an
organization." Now, in that regard I have some authority,
because last year I was the head of Duke Quiz Bowl (de
facto head, anyway; we don't do elections).
I recommend you... oh, sorry, I mean I recommend
this hypothetical person... talk to the people at
either Minnesota or Carleton about going to some
tournaments. In particular, I'm sure Eric Hillemann, Carleton
coach and easily one of the 10 most visible people on
the face of the planet, would love help with the
events run up in that area, such as his Undergrad
I understand the dynamic in terms of density in the
Minneapolis area isn't as it would be in, say, Boston,
Chicago, or Washington; however, if you're willing to
drive a few hours, it's well worth the experience. And
by the way, welcome aboard!
To your
hypothetical example, anyway. :)
Andy Goss