To involve yourself with events in or near
Minneapolis, get in touch either with the University of
Minnesota team (David Levinson, the organizer of this
conference, for instance), or with me at Carleton, 40 miles
south. These are the two most active-on-the-circuit
teams in the state. Minnesota is hosting the annual
Deep Bench tournament in two weeks, and whether he's
got readers and scorekeepers all covered already or
not, I'm sure David wouldn't mind at least the offer
of another volunteer for that. And as Andy Goss
observed, Carleton hosts a tournament in the spring -
probably March 2 this year, though that hasn't yet been
100% finalized - and I know for sure that we would
welcome more good readers for that with open
Eric Hillemann
Carleton Coach
easily one of the
10 most visible people at your average Carleton team
practice, at least