<<Finally, if you have distinct problems
placing your science questions into a hopper, well, just
let the administrators and faculty decide by opening
up your school course catalog. Is your biochemistry
crosslisted? Count 'em in either. Just don't write two
biochemistry boni for a packet and have one count as chemistry
and the other as biology.>>
Actually, I
could see a situation where you could have a
"biochemistry" Q counted as biology and another as chemistry in
the same packet (I'm not saying that there should
*be* two biochem Qs in the same packet, though). For
example, a Q on the ATP pump could be bio, while a Q on
amino acids might be chem.
<<Jason "I HATE
AMCAS #$&*#$" Paik>>
Shouldn't that be "I
#$&*#$ HATE AMCAS" or "I HATE #$&*#$ AMCAS"?
[Seriously, though, for those of you who don't know, AMCAS is
the application software used to process applications
for most, though not quite all, medical schools. It
takes all the bad features of applying to college, then
makes you process your transcripts yourself, and then
the nice folks at AMCAS assume you're lying and check
over every single entry.]