Samer said:
"Actually, I could see a situation
where you could have a "biochemistry" Q counted as
biology and another as chemistry in the same packet (I'm
not saying that there should *be* two biochem Qs in
the same packet, though). For example, a Q on the ATP
pump could be bio, while a Q on amino acids might be
Agreed. Personally, I would be inclined to count those
both as biology, and leave the chemistry distribution
for physical and organic chemistry. Even so, could it
be that the complaint is the overabundance of
biology leeching into the chemistry
"[Seriously, though, for those of you who don't know, AMCAS is
the application software used to process applications
for most, though not quite all, medical schools. It
takes all the bad features of applying to college, then
makes you process your transcripts yourself, and then
the nice folks at AMCAS assume you're lying and check
over every single entry.]"
Even worse, the
()*#$_at_*$ idiots at AMCAS didn't have enough servers for
their all-web based process they have this year. Many
admissions officers expressed their chagrin at how the
process turned out this year. In two words, IT
Eric said:
"-- eps, continuing the crusade for
quality science."
Amen, Brother.
"I HATE AMCAS #*$&*$(" Paik
WU Academic Team