On April 21st, the George Washington University will host ACF Nationals 2002. Depending on an ultimate decision by ACF, Friday games may also be necessary. Announcements for travel discounts and hotel blocs will be released as those arrangements are made. A website for ACF Nationals 2002 will be established at <a href=http://www.gwu.edu/~trivia/acfnats.html target=new>http://www.gwu.edu/~trivia/acfnats.html</a> . Standard contact at GW for all ACF Nationals inquiries is trivia_at_... . Travel by air to Washington may be accomplished by any of three major airports: DCA -- Washington National Airport. Most expensive DC-area airport. USAir hub. Directly connected to the Blue and Yellow lines of the Metro. BWI -- Baltimore-Washington International Airport. Cheapest area airport, least accessible; on weekdays, accessible by MARC commuter rail for cheap; on weekends, accessible by Amtrak for around $20; both rail lines connect via Union Station to Red line of Metro. Also accessible by Blue Van shuttles; $25/person or so from BWI to anywhere in DC, no reservations; $31/person (or bulk rate) for reserved trip from DC to BWI. Southwest & USAir hub DIA -- Dulles International Airport. Eero Saarinen architecture. Metrobus connector to Rosslyn on the Blue and Orange lines (about $1.50); pricier, more frequent Dulles busses to West Falls Church on the Orange line. United hub. Washington is also a hub of Amtrak, and lies at the intersection of Interstates 95, 66, and 270. Edmund
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