In response to Brian, as perhaps (?) the only
other Civil Engineer involved in the game, I have tried
to include CE questions were possible, (A question
on network equilibrium and on highway design were in
the Minnesota Junior Bird <plug> -- online at
qbtrade </plug> , albeit not what you would get on
an exam). and have added Engineering/Technology as
one of the main categories with 1 TU/B per 25
question pack.
My main point however is that what
is missing from the game in large part is General
Knowledge (Jer Smith's how to tie a knot). Few people major
in General Knowledge, yet it is the kind of thing
that is learned while in school. Surely there is a
creative way to include GK without taking up too much time
in a match. e.g. Solve this puzzle,
visual/tactile/audio questions, etc.
There is so much of this
book lernin' , surely we can be creative with other
-- dml
Date:11/2/01 12:07
am my case, I'm a Civil Engr. grad
currently looking for temp. work as a substitute teacher
and considering business school in a couple of years.
Unless we come up with more highway design/planning
questions or "FTP, build a bridge", I may have a trifecta
of underrepresented quizbowl subjects.