<<The good teams seem to say "We're good,
we're going to smash anyone in our way as mercilessly
as possible, and we don't care about the circuit, so
fuck getting more teams involved and having the game
continue if and when we decide to retire and enter the
real world, rather than spending our *ENTIRE* lives
playing quiz bowl".>>
An accessible set
means that when the tossup goes to an end, DePauw C has
heard of the answer. It doesn't mean that DePauw C gets
to beat Chicago. Here comes a common theme: You are
not divinely entitled to win games without effort.
Yes, you are entitled to hear questions on topics that
matter and are not written specifically to reward
Benet's-memorizing or whatever. However, if even on such questions
you can't keep up, it's your own problem. "Go write
some questions and learn something instead of
complaining" is very good advice.