As a reader at ACF Fall this weekend who's name is not Brent, I have been personally insulted on this group recently and in the Andy-Wang-founded tradition of questionable tact here at Illinois, feel a certain need to respond. Now, several things have been stated about me, that my tongue is too large for my mouth, that I stumbled on every other word, and that my reading was "WAAYYYYYY" too slow. On the first point, my girlfriend has never complained, and in fact tends towards the opinion that this isn't a bad thing, so I don't feel much of a need to address it. On the second, it has been well documented here that there was not a single pronunciation guide in 14 packets. What hasn't been mentioned, however, is the fact that neither the authors nor the editor have ever heard of "spell check". I was talking with our TD while he edited the packets Thursday night, and judging by his comments, and the number of misspellings that were still in the questions on Saturday, combined with the inevitable grammatical errors, I'd like to see Stan try to do better. On the subject of doing better, our readers were all grad students (though none of the semi-mythical 38 year old variety that Stan seems to think lurk around every corner waiting to humiliate him, not that it takes a genius to do that) and represented the most experienced people we had available, which begs the question, if Mr. Asshole can do so much better, why doesn't he bring his own officials to the tournament, and save himself some $$$ at the same time? Well, I think I may know the answer. While I myself am a newcomer to Cornland, and thus did not attend any of DePauw's tournaments last year, I have been told unequivocally that they have the worst readers on the circuit, including at least one who was giving _hints_ to teams on bonus answers. Now, I may have on occasion (and by accident) told a team whether the answer they gave was right or wrong before the end of the bonus, but I certainly didn't give hints. Nor do I think it's right to blame the reader in that situation, but rather the TD who sent them unprepared into the wilderness. On the subject of those glass houses located in Greencastle, I would also like to point out that as a prerequisite to complaining about a tournament, perhaps you should consider paying for it first? I think it bears mentioning as well that being ranked in the top 10 in a tournament with 28 people in attendance isn't the most impressive statistic in the world. Finally, let me just say that as for those people who "defended" you, I can assure you that it was only because they haven't met you. Just so you know, much of the rest of your team thinks that you're an overbearing <!_at_#$>, and weren't shy about telling people so at the tourney. If you're so uptight that you ruin their good time, maybe it's not surprising that you didn't have one yourself. [Please take note that these are the words of an anonymous malcontent, and do not neccessarily reflect the opinion of anyone else here at UIUC, although I suspect that they do.]
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