Ok...first off, let me say that I have never
actually written a question for a HS tournament involving
Husserl, only that it's possible that he could come
Moving on to De Jesus's ranting
"I am getting
really tired of the attitude that lower percentile teams
don't matter, and quite honestly, if I knew which teams
got to a HS tournament that you write, I'd tell all
the "bad" teams to not go since you obviously don't
care about them and deprive you of their
>From my experience, "bad teams" does not equal "bad
people." I never said I didn't talk to them or anything.
They just aren't as good at quizbowl, and I when I
write questions, I write questions to be answered by qb
players, not the nice people but awful players from
Anyschool D. I can't help that they may not have a coach or
resources. Frankly, that's not my problem. I also don't try
to level the playing field and write questions to
trip up good teams/list teams, especially since most
good HS teams know their lists.
Why shouldn't
stuff that "comes up in quizbowl" be included in
quizbowl tournaments?
Mike Wehrman, who has never
associated the phrase "quality questions" with Anthony de