I think Mike and I have come to an agreement on
this, so I'll go ahead and post this
Duke University will hold its mirror for the 2002 Ann
B. Davis tournament on its campus in North Carolina
on January 20, 2002 (Sunday). Entry fees will be
identical to the Michigan fee structure (except for all the
Canadian stuff because the humor may be lost down here).
We strongly recommend you submit a packet following
distribution and instructions to the Michigan office (Mike
Burger in this case).
The Ann B. Davis 2002
announcement is up at <a href=http://www.mikeburger.com/abd2002.html target=new>http://www.mikeburger.com/abd2002.html</a> .
If you want to compete but cannot submit a packet,
also let us know.
New conditions: Junior
College and Historically Black Colleges and Universities
attending will receive a discount to the fee structure
without being required to submit a packet to either MLK
or ABD provided they register by January 1.