sfs98ud99--Wisdom is good! What great
comparisons! Yet I've often wondered myself about other
options-- trips to such places as Vietnam, Georgia, Chad
and Colombia offer less well-known yet equally
aesthetic and rich cultural rewards for those who venture
there, but many tourists are simply shocked by the
brutality and unfamiliarity they encounter in such
journeys. In addition, tourist infrastructure in such
places is next-to-nonexistant, and Departments of
Tourism that do exist have a difficult time advertising
to Americans. Many of their exectutives simply sigh
and wish Americans would give them a chance, and then
spread the word that they're not so bad after all --
while wondering why it's so much easier to get flights
to Budapest than Athens!
Not pushing my own
agenda at all, rather, just musing over possible
adventures. Maybe someday someone will start a circuit in