I must say, before people start to get mad at me for whatever reason, that I have thoroughly enjoyed being part of the quiz bowl community for the short period of time that I have. I always wanted to do this in high school, but there isn't much of a quiz bowl community in Hawaii. I love being able to be smart (although sometimes these tournaments make me wonder) and not have anyone make fun of me or call me a dork for liking to study and learn things. I think that is a very important part of quiz bowl that people seem to forget. You all are very intelligent people, I can tell. Some of you are too intelligent for your own good. Some of you know you are very smart, and like to lord it over people. That is when quiz bowl starts to lose its draw, and stops being fun. There have been many people on this circuit who have helped our team out a lot, in many ways: ADJ, Dave Murphy, Dom Ricci, to name a few. Their input has been invaluable. And I don't mind losing to teams like Dave's or the Washington University team that was at Illinois this weekend. They are good, they know it, but they don't lord it over you like you are a kindergartener on the first grade playground during recess. I can handle losing to them. They make me want to get better and be able to give them a run for their money the next time we play them. However, there are just as many, if not more people I have played against who are rude and obnoxious and who make me want to leave and never come back to quiz bowl again. One such team that I have a vivid memory of was the Illinois team we played this weekend. With the exception of one person on the team, they were obnoxious beyond belief. They felt the need to converse during our bonuses, sometimes ABOUT the questions we were trying to answer. They also felt the need to add in how great they were in between every question. Finally, my temper got the better of me and I had to tell them how ridiculous their behavior was. All of the people on this circuit are adults, and should act like ones. I went to high school with many people much smarter than me, many of whom had very large egos. I have not, however, met anyone as rude and annoying and obnoxoius as the guy everyone calls "Hairboy." If anyone who knows him, or if he himself reads this, you should all be incredibly ashamed of his behavior this weekend. Especially since it was a tournament that his team was hosting. I will refrain from making the rude comments that come to mind because I like to think I am above middle school behavior. One thing that I will say for the DePauw team: we may not be the strongest team on the circuit, but our players know how to win and lose graciously and with decorum and decency. That is something that is so much more important than a winning record or any amount of knowledge a person may have. I don't care how smart you are, intelligence is never a good excuse for immature and rude behavior. Act your age, for goodness sake, don't act like a 5 year old who doesn't know any better. And don't be proud of the fact that you are obnoxious, it is not a desirable trait.
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