I will try to end this without too much rambling by saying that there are things that need to be changed about quiz bowl, both on a personal level, and on the circuit as a whole. I have to say that having met, and had a chance to talk to, many of the people who have been "attacked" as the "dinosaurs" of quiz bowl, I have been on the whole very impressed with their knowledge and attitude. I have met equally as many people, however who seem to have the attitude that anyone who doesn't agree with them and the way they want to run things can fuck off. This is what is going to hurt ACF, NAQT or any other faction of quiz bowl. Not the questions and not people losing. All of you who have "Holier than thou" attitudes are what is going to kill quiz bowl. And if you all aren't willing to change, or at least tone down your attitudes, than you deserve to fall with it, because it will be your fault. Not mine, not Stan's, but yours. I would like to continue having fun with quizbowl and I think I can, as can all of you. But you all need to remember what it was like to just be starting, and at least be mindful and maybe a little sympathetic to teams like mine who are trying to get going. I'm not saying make the questions easier just for us, and I'm not saying that ACF or anyone else has to change solely for us. Change because you wand more people involved, change because you care about quiz bowl players (good or bad), change because it is something that needs to be done. I would like to play DIV II against teams where there is actual competition. How much fun can it really be for all of you who are very very strong players to play against teams that just sit there because you are faster? Doesn't sound like a whole lot of fun to me. Let those of us who are still learning and who are up and coming play each other and actually have a competition. Make it fun for us to, so we want to come back, and so that we want to work that much harder. Encouragement is a much better way to learn than brute force.
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