>>>Finally, we're still anxiously
awaiting the ACF South results through all 13 rounds and,
incidentally, also last spring's post-Sun N Fun Trash Tourney
(<a href=http://ctr.usf.edu/quizbowl/sun-n-fun-2001-results.htm target=new>http://ctr.usf.edu/quizbowl/sun-n-fun-2001-results.htm</a> still promises "Coming
LOL! Final stats are posted at:
<a href=http://brill.acomp.usf.edu/~ohm target=new>http://brill.acomp.usf.edu/~ohm</a> . Dan, thanks again for your help at the tourney,
and thanks to our other readers as well: Diane Brown,
Mark Rupright, Karen Frank, Bob Gonzales, Alena
Scandura, and Ken Christensen.
Since I was not TD
for SNF '01 trash (aka Beer Bowl), I will once again
defer to Nap who was supposed to send these to me for
posting. I've never seen 'em! I know this sounds like
Samer saying he was not responsible for stats at PBX,
but in this case, I truly was not even at the tourney
and had nothing to do with its planning & execution.
Jeremy R.