The non-European [or here, African] intrigues are
an obvious example of the "chicken and egg" problem
at work. Because we don't ask about it, people don't
learn about it, and don't write questions about it, and
so on.
Things change over time. Take, for
example, Norse mythology. A few years ago, most people sat
around waiting for Norse mythology bonuses to finish.
Now, my teammates and I can 30 a bonus from a few
years ago in practice, even though our knowledge of
Norse mythology is still somewhat limited.
I see
no reason why the same principle can't be used to
expand the canon. The more people learn about a subject
and choose to write about it in packets, the more
people will be encouraged to learn about it, and write
questions about it. ["The egg-and-chicken" scenario, I
guess.] :-)
Most of us, I suspect, prefer to write
in fields in which we are comfortable and with which
we are familiar. If each QB player on the circuit
chose to introduce in every set of questions they wrote
one new topic that is new to them and that they felt
were underrepresented in the canon, we would quickly
have a lot more material to learn and ask