Hmmm... on the topic of repeats, there are only
so many really significant figures in
history/culture/society... and with tens of thousands of tossups/bonuses
written every year, surely some answers are bound to be
repeated... but that doesn't mean that the questions have to
be answered in the first sentence every time. If
Garcia-Marquez comes up twice in one season, so what? He's
important. But "One Hundred Years of Solitude" is not the
only work he ever wrote. Not saying that questions
should all be buzzer races, but the "accessibility"
factor is indeed a major one. I enjoy playing--and
watching--a 200-150 game much more than a 50-40 game. A good
question is one that assures accessibility and that the
players have "heard of" the answer or would desire to
learn about it from hearing the question, whereas a
packet of good questions still assures that the best
team wins.