Julie mentioned ADD . . . mine's not mild; in
fact, I got doubly "lucky" ( :-P ) in that not only is
it pretty strong, but the various medications seem
to have no effect either. I'm also manic-depressive,
and as far as QB goes, the medications for *that*
have had a very negative effect -- which is why I
haven't really played since the spring of 2000, when I
was diagnosed. They make things really slow for me;
it takes awhile to get at the information that's in
my head, which means I'm basically too slow for QB
now. It feels like everything's on the tip of my
tongue or something. But hopefully that'll get better;
we might switch around my meds some to see if that
helps. We've been messing with meds for me since I was
six, so I'm used to it. :-P
<decides that she's posted enough personal info to the
world for one night>