PACK DISTRIBUTION You know the drill: History; Literature; Science; Current Events; Fine Arts; Philosophy/Religion/Myth; Geography; Social Science; Pop Culture; Sports; General. Fill the quotas as described below; 4 tossups and 3 bonuses will fall into the "Special Extras" category described below. HISTORY 4 Tossups, 4 Bonuses U.S. History at least 2 / European History at least 2 / World History at least 2 / Social Issues at least 2 (reformers; cool women/minorities; etc.) / Wars and Battles at most 3 (no more than one from same war). We will also require that your questions be chronologically diverse (i.e. no more than 2 questions from any particular historical era.) LITERATURE 4 Tossups, 4 Bonuses U.S. Literature at least 2 / English Lit. at least 2 / European Lit. at least 2 / World Lit. at least 1 / Novels-Novelists at least 1 / Poems-Poets at least 1 / Drama-Dramatists at least 1 / Short Stories at least 1 / Non-Fiction at least 1. We will also require that your questions be chronologically diverse (i.e. no more than 3 questions from any particular historical era.) SCIENCE 4 Tossups, 4 Bonuses Biology at least 2 / Chemistry at least 2 / Physics at least 2 / Math or CS at least 1 / Earth or Space at least 1. Remember that "Science" does not mean "History of Science" and write accordingly. CURRENT EVENTS 3 Tossups, 3 Bonuses U.S. Events at least 2 / World Events at least 1 / Social Issues at least 2 / Business at least 1 / Lit & Arts at least 1 / Science-Tech at least 1. FINE ARTS 3 Tossups, 3 Bonuses Visual Arts at least 3 / Performing Arts at least 3 / 20th Century 1-2 / 1600-1900 1-2 / Before 1600 1-2 / Theory at least 1 (terminology as opposed to people/works.) PHILOSOPHY, RELIGION & MYTH 3 Tossups, 3 Bonuses P/R/M themselves at least 1 apiece / 20th Century 1 or 2 / Ancient Times 1 or 2. Do not write more than one question about a particular tradition (e.g. Norse), denomination (e.g. Judaism), or era (e.g. 19th Century Germans). For religion and philosophy, ideas are at least as important as people and events. GEOGRAPHY 2 Tossups, 2 Bonuses U.S. Geography at least 2 / Non-U.S. at least 2 / Physical at least 1 / Political at least 1. Do not write more than one question seeking the same type of answer (e.g. cities; countries; rivers). SOCIAL SCIENCE 2 Tossups, 2 Bonuses Law or Economics at least 1 / Sociology-Psychology at least 1 / Anthropology/Archaeology at least 1. POP CULTURE 2 Tossups, 2 Bonuses Music at least 1 / Movies-TV at least 1 / None of the above at least 1 / 1998 or Earlier at least 2. SPORTS 2 Tossups, 2 Bonuses Major Sports at least 2 [baseball, football, basketball, hockey] / Non-major Sport at least 1 / 1998 or Earlier at least 2. Do not write more than one question about the same sport. SPECIAL EXTRAS 2 Tossups, 1 Bonus Special Extras are extra-special, or some other such cutesy phrase. These are questions that fit one or more of the non-trash categories above yet go beyond the quotas set out above. For example, if you have two really good questions about Greek philosophy or Romantic composers, one can go here. The really bizarre question that your teammate won't let you cut should go here.
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