Wow...I would like to thank everyone for their
comments thus far. I was not expecting such a slew of
positive answers and so quickly at that. Thanks!
did retry and managed to find what I
needed for dates and scores and all that jazz.
also think we managed to find something regarding UCLA
and the 03/08/59 broadcast...and we will be checking
into that as well. I appreciate Mikes help with
locations as well.
Someone else mentioned the R/TV
museums and as this seems to be a popular choice, I will
definitely look into it.
Anyway, I thought I would
share with some of the people here what I have
uncovered from the 1959 College
<a href= target=new></a>
There are College Bowl pictures from Georgetown and
Notre Dames archives as well as articles from various
sources discussing the programs. Stop by for some history
if you are up to it.
Again, I appreciate your
insights. Take care. Enjoy!