Going slightly off-track, I agree with your
expectations as I had the same ones about those teams. Of
course they hadn't won Chip's shindig yet, but
Their finish is a reflection of a number of factors:
(a) questions are better with NAQT vs. Chip's so you
can't "reflex" or "luck" your way into a win the way
you can with a good 60sec round or with screwy
questions, (b) competition: many teams that don't do Chip's
that are really top-shelf national-caliber were at
NAQT while Chip's field while numerically impressive
is really diluted in strength (none of the top
Michigan or DC-area teams do Chip's for example, but they
play at NAQT HSCT or PACE NSC), (c) schedule is more
rigorous to qualify for the next level than Chip's [best
records out of 8 matches I think?, with much care being
taken to give all the teams a geographically diverse
and equally difficult in power schedule].