The big thing with Chip is that year after year,
he seems to find new teams out of nowhere that most
of the rest of us have never heard of. It's even
more amazing when these teams do incredibly well and
sometimes beat some of the most well-known national
The other part of it is that he has very strong
loyalties with certain teams and portions of the country.
Usually these are areas where almost all of the
tournaments that are held are run in his format. When I
played in high school in Texas, there was no NAQT, there
was no PACE--there was really nothing but QU
four-quarter format. Even worse--we were only guaranteed 3
matches. From that, the top teams would advance to
playoffs, and the 3 matches were essentially random
QU will always find teams that want to compete at
its national championship and will be willing to fork
over the huge sums of money to do so. Going at the
teams isn't the way to stop him--there are too many
teams out there, and as has been said before, too many
of them just don't care.