Hey all, just posting again to see who is still
interested that e-mailed me about our tournament.
of right now, we have a definite yes of David
We have a possibly from UIUC.
We have been
e-mailed by :
Babson College
few other teams have expressed interest, but not in
an e-mail form.
If any individuals or teams
want information for the tournament, e-mail me at
jmcquiston_at_.... If teams cannot make it, we will trade a full set
of questions in the tournament for a packet. I,
Stan, and the rest of the DePauw DUCKS would love to
see any teams at our tournament.
I know it
seems like I am repeating myself, but repetition is one
of the best tools. If we have enough teams, we will
make a masters and undergrad bracket. The format will
be round robin throughout, including re-bracketing
of teams based on records and a second round
We, as a team supportive of Quiz Bowl, will try to
help any team out that needs it. We can find hotel
arrangements, resteraunts, and anything else one might need.