You've all seen the ACF Regionals announcement, but this is to confirm that the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Academic Trivia Association will host ACF Southeast Regionals again this spring. ACF Southeast Regionals will be a one-day tournament on Sat., Feb 23, 2002. Registration begins at 9 AM EST in Grote 129. Announcements are at 9:45 and play begins at 10. FEES AND PACKET GUIDELINES: Fees for this year were set by ACF as follows: Base Fee: $90 per team Minimum Fee: $55 (The $55 minimum fee also automatically applies to any team that has not played in ACF regionals in the last three years) With the exception of schools that have not played in ACF Regionals in the past 3 years, all A and B teams are required to submit packets. (Contact Ezequiel Berdichevsky at eberdich_at_... for packet-related questions.) As most or all of you have hopefully seen, the question discount deadline has passed, so here are the packet options remaining. + $10 late fee if packet received by Feb. 2 + $20 late fee if received by Feb. 9 + $30 if no packet received by Feb. 9 Equipment discounts: -$5 per buzzer set, maximum of 2 discounts per school (though you're welcome to bring more buzzers) Moderator discounts: -$10 per competent official Multiple team discounts: -$5 for a second team, and -$10 for each team after that Minimum fee: Regardless of discounts, no team will be charged less than $40. Also, for those staying for the ACF Detox trash tournament on Sunday, teams playing in ACF Regionals get a $15 discount on Detox fees. LODGINGS: The Clarion Hotel (423-756-5150) is holding rooms through Feb. 9 at the rate of $65 per night. This rate is available Friday night 2/23 and Sat. night 2/23. Contact me at steinhic_at_... for forther information.
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